Testimonials by KnowBrainer Fans

The KnowBrainer is a power tool that gives your brain a head start. 
 Singapore Service College

Using the KnowBrainer day to day, does not require a $150 an hour consultant. 
 Ben McConnell & Jackie Huba, Authors of Creating Customer Evangelists

The KnowBrainer is quick and easy to use. Everyone needs this amazing thinking tool. 
 Amy Curtis, Abbott Labs

Uncomplicates Ideation and Creativity. I facilitate meetings with CEOs for a living and am always on the lookout for tools and techniques to keep my meetings lively, focused, productive and fun. The KnowBrainer tool fosters creativity to solve simple and complex problems. I like the simplicity of it while also appreciating how it un-complicates ideation and gets us all out of our comfort zone quickly. 
— Sue Tinnish,  5-Star Amazon Review, February 2020

Useful, inspiring tool accelerates your APPLIED creativity.  I've used several versions of this tool for nearly 15 years ... individually and with groups. It applies to individual writing projects, group brainstorms, problem-solving, and more! You don't just get good ideas from using it. You get clarity ... clearer problem solving AND solution generation. Plus, it's fun, interesting, and encouraging to use.
Lee Man,  5-Star Amazon Review, January 2020

Idea Generation.  If you're looking for a way to kick start novel thinking in a fun and engaging way, then this is a tool for you (and your company). The KnowBrainer tool is effective in assisting individuals and teams to break from their ordinary approaches to 'brainstorming' by providing a variety of prompts that leads to a large quantity of ideas (the value of the ideas to be determined at a later date). If your objective is to massive output, this tool could prove effective.
 Stephen Melamed,  5-Star Amazon Review, January 2020

The KnowBrainer tool is a simple and powerful addition to your innovation resources. A term like “structured innovation” may sound oxymoronic, but the reality is that innovation can and should be structured to maximize return on the time, money, and energy spent in innovating. The “KnowBrainer” tool is a great tool to help stimulate high-value creative thinking. Its portability makes it easy to take anywhere, while its distinctive “fan design” adds a tactile stimulus that you can’t get from a mobile app. The amount of wisdom shared and mental stimulus provided is really impressive for such a compact tool. The color-coding makes it easy to navigate as well. I’ve used the KnowBrainer tool on my own and in teams. I’ve used the tool for immediate creative problem solving and for longer-term, broad-scope strategic thinking. I’ve used it in for-profit businesses and nonprofit charities. Although there are excellent workshops to go through the systematic approach Gerald Haman teaches, the KnowBrainer can be used effectively with minimal training. It’s very useful in a wide variety of applications.
— Brad Barbera,  5-Star Amazon Review, January 2020

I keep one in my toolbox -- you should, too. The KnowBrainer has been an essential part of my facilitation toolkit for more than 20 years. It guides you through a process, and fits so many situations. It gets people un-stuck, and sustains energy & momentum when you need a group to stay on task. I'm glad to see Gerald continues to update it with new insights and experience.
— Mark Stinson,  5-Star Amazon Review, January 2020

A great tool for brainstorming, innovation, and new product development. I stumbled upon the KnowBrainer Tool as an MBA student at the University of Illinois at Chicago. I was taking an Interdisciplinary Product Course in which I had the pleasure to attend a session at the THINKubator. I thought the workshop was a great way to add perspective to practically anything you are trying to accomplish. The KnowBrainer provides a concise way to generate ideas and spark thoughts that you may have overlooked and you can fit it in your pocket! When I saw the knowbrainer tool was available, 12 years later, I thought it would be a great way to refresh my memory. I put the item in my wish list and finally decided it was time to put this useful tool in my hands. I will admit, that part of me is enjoying the nostalgia of my courses, but I'm already using the KnowBrainer tool to help me get thinking more about potential new ideas. I think it's reinvigorating a part of my goals, that I've let lay dormant for longer than I intended. I hope that in a few years I can look back at this and find that it triggered a set of steps to bring me to a new place that I didn't imagine. I wouldn't be shocked at all if it did. If you are looking for a sound and sensible way to innovate and generate ideas where brainstorming is a required part of the process, then this tool can help you discover several outcomes when perhaps you didn't see any at first. It's the pocket dictionary for brainstorming, innovation, and new product development. Why wouldn't you want that at your fingertips? If you have a phd in all of the above, maybe it's all in your head, you can spin out new ideas and patent it overnight and you don't need it, but I still think for the price, it's a no nonsense pragmatic, yet formidably abstract solution at the same time! It all depends how you use it!
— Nicholas Antoni,  5-Star Amazon Review, January 2020

Powerfully simple. A smart investment for enhanced creativity and innovation. I have over 300 books and creativity tools from Alex Osborne’s seminal book Applied Imagination to Stanford D School’s excellent course in design thinking. But over the years, the KnowBrainer tool has become my go-to resource for developing and implementing creative ideas. I’ve used it often as a creative director for ad agencies and as Senior Manager of Global Digital for Hershey. What’s the secret? Like a great coach it brings you back to fundamentals. Some people want to dive into creative solutions when they haven’t investigated or even defined a problem to solve or need to fill. The KnowBrainer effortlessly takes you through four stages – Investigate Needs, Create Ideas, Evaluate Solutions, and Activate Plans. It’s a compact pocket-sized card deck that provides smart questions, quotations, and visual prompts to help you develop ideas and make them actionable. If you want to enhance your personal creativity or inspire colleagues or groups to develop solutions to problems, I strongly and enthusiastically recommend the KnowBrainer tool.
— Martin Baker, 5-Star Amazon Review, January 2020

It’s easy and intuitive. The KnowBrainer tool is like a big sigh of relief. It’s simple, intuitive and flexible. I’m at one with it in minutes. Anytime I’m stuck in a problem I use the tool and it helps me break free of constrained thinking and gives me a bigger thought process. I’ve been using it for 30 years and it’s always close by. I keep one on my desk and one in my backpack. When I lead meetings I start with “what do you want them to know, think or do?”
— Tom Gruba, 5-Star Amazon Review, January 2020

A powerful and effective ideation tool. The KnowBrainer is a pocket-sized creativity tool that does an excellent job of leveraging the mind’s capabilities of association to a major advantage. Developer Gerald Haman has spent years collecting and measuring the effectiveness of key words and questions that generate the most ideas, and he has incorporated them (along with evocative images and quotes) into this colorful, fun-to-use flip card deck. It contains sections that are designed to help you to:

* Define your challenge and investigate your needs,
* Generate ideas,
* Evaluate them and
* Act on them.

The KnowBrainer is built around Haman’s four-stage Accelerated Innovation process. When you first see it, you may be tempted to dismiss the KnowBrainer as a simple card deck, but don’t let its low-tech “interface” fool you. This is one powerful and easy to use idea-generation tool!
— Chuck Frey, 5-Star Amazon Review, January 2020

Get outside of your own box! This tool completely helps you get out of your own way and out of your box to generate innovative ideas that will excite you to the point of implementing change you can be passionate about. It doesn't matter what you want to innovate; a service, a product, a way of thinking, etc. The KnowBrainer makes you think past your own 'low-hanging fruit' and reach deep inside and the far-reaching top to uncover winning ideas. It's definitely a no brainer!
— Laura Menze, 5-Star Amazon Review, January 2020

The key to your creative brain. I've had a KnowBrainer since 2008 and was introduced to it as I started learning about creative problem-solving. This is an excellent tool for anyone who needs to be creative on demand but struggles under the pressure to produce the bold and brave ideas they know are stuck in their heads. You can use it as part of a structured innovation process working from investigating the problem to creating new ideas to evaluating them and finally creating actionable plans. But it works equally as well as a jumpstart to get your brain creative again when you need to rethink a problem or get unstuck from the same old ideas. At this point, I have it memorized and quickly pull from it what I need when I need to do my best thinking but for years I wouldn't let this out of my site. The best moment is when you pull it out in a meeting to some weary looks only to have a crowd of people asking you where they can get one 30 minutes later.
— Dana V. Montenegro, 5-Star Amazon Review, January 2020

A Unique and Innovative tool to encourage Innovative, Creative Thinking for ANY Organization! I have been using this for a number of years. It rapidly became one of the most powerful tools in my leadership, people development, and innovation toolbox. The KnowBrainer Thinker Tool makes it easy to get the juices flowing, taking the fear and judgment out of brainstorming while showing users how to be creative with their thinking. I highly recommend this "Thinker Tool" for anyone at any level of an organization to get people talking, creating and innovating. Thanks, Gerald "Solutionman" Haman for a great tool!
— Tim Callison
, 5-Star Amazon Review, January 2020

The KnowBrainer Tool is a must have stimulus for your innovation process! As a Motorola Senior Fellow heading the Advanced Development, Technology and Innovation Group, my team instituted new initiatives to enhance innovation leveraging emerging technologies in the commercialization of new products. One of these initiatives was the "Innovation Stimulus Process" that used the KnowBrainer tool to create ideas, evaluate solutions and activated plans to take new products to market. We were introduced to the KnowBrainer tool during one of Gerald Haman's training session in 1998 and from then on, we always used it as an essential part of the "Innovation Stimulus Process" with great success, as it was demonstrated by an over 500% increase of patents filed. As a result, I do recommend the KnowBrainer tool as a must have to help increase ideas, creativity and new business opportunities!!
— Jaimie Borras, 5-Star Amazon Review, January 2020

KnowBrainer is a good innovation and problem-solving tool. For years I have used the ideas around the four steps of the KnowBrainer Investigate, Create, Evaluate, Activate in my consulting with companies. They form an approach to problem-solving and innovation that works. In addition, the prompts contained in the KnowBrainer tool are useful in getting people to move forward quickly in their thinking and deliver better quality in their collaborations. It's a good tool and I recommend it. 
— Bill Burnett, 5-Star Amazon Review, January 2020

EASY to use and a POWERFUL tool to engage & creatively motivate your team of 1 or 1 million!  We used the KnowBrainer to create more engaging sales presentations for our media clients. The KnowBrainer takes all the guess work out of "are we doing everything we can to be the best and serve our client base"? Get it, use it, keep it on your desk and use it EVERY DAY for any business challenge, large or small. No more waiting for someone else to come up with an idea -- The KnowBrainer will lead you to it EVERY TIME! You won't believe how creative and innovative you and your team can be with the KnowBrainer!!!
— Abby Polonksi, 5-Star Amazon Review, January 2020

A must have for your creative toolbox. Our company has used the KnowBrainer system for 20+ years. We have not found a better system that jumpstarts the creative process. By using this system your time will be efficient, ideas will be organized and productivity high. Having a consistent catalyst such as the KnowBrainer built into our creative process has made us better. 
— Gary Vlk, 5-Star Amazon Review, January 2020

Hooked on The KnowBrainer. I have used this tool and process for stimulating creative idea generation in every role I have had since it was introduced to me. It provides a useful structure for initiating and inspiring innovation from the first-timer to even the most experienced creative-type. I highly recommend this simple yet clever tool.
— Kevin Lawrence, 5-Star Amazon Review, January 2020

Long Time Use of the KnowBrainer! In my business, I help people with training content development and delivery. I am often found grabbing my KnowBrainer to help inform conversations with clients--and especially when I'm stuck for how to get started. Using the tool I am able to find or define a process where that information isn't patently obvious. You'll not be sorry for making this purchase! Having met Gerald several years ago and attended more than one of his classes, I own a couple of Know Brainers--and they are well used! 
— Dawn Mahoney, 5-Star Amazon Review, January 2020

Much More Than a Creativity/Innovation Tool. It is amazing for brainstorming sessions, wanting creative ideas, working toward better innovation in an organization for for life. But it can be applied to SO MANY MORE environments. Some questions can be changed slightly for use with process improvement conversations, naming a product, planning for creating a new website. It can be used by groups and individuals. I used it for a planning meeting for a group of new church leaders. When I was a consultant I carried one in my laptop bag, and when onsite with clients maybe one even in my purse. And I always have one on my desk. Sometimes we just need to think about things differently. The Knowbrainer gives us a chance to look at an existing problem through a new lense. It is reasonably enough priced to buy one for team members, pair people up and show them how to use it (anyplace generating ideas will be beneficial). Or just for you! Enjoy!
— Renie McClay, 5-Star Amazon Review, January 2020

Essential Tool to Support Innovation Activities.  This simple-to-use tool helps to organize effective execution of Innovation Initiatives. Our Company made it and the training in its use the cornerstone of our Innovation activities. I still use it in my new role in Municipal Government.
— Robin Black, 5-Star Amazon Review, January 2020

Creativity in a small package. The KnowBrainer Thinker Tool continues users to get better and better. Bring it into a meeting or use it when you are stumped for ideas on your own. When I bring it out in a meeting everyone gets energized. 
— Hazel Wagner, 5-Star Amazon Review, January 2020

The Most Effective Tool to Overcome Anchoring. Daniel Kahneman taught us the power of suggestion and how that suggestion anchors our thinking. This simple psychological truth explains why poor inquiry destroys effective innovation. "So how about making it out of plastic?"- is no way to journey into better products or services. I've been using the KnowBrainer Thinker Tool before I knew why it was so effective. Few people know how to approach productive, innovative, bias-free, anchor-free inquiry without good tools and good processes. The KnowBrainer is the best tool to avoid mediocre ideation.
— Dan Heck, 5-Star Amazon Review, January 2020

Creating Powerful New Idea Neighborhoods with the KnowBrainer Thinker Tool. I am a retired VP of Research & Development, Operations for Kraft Foods. We utilized the KnowBrainer Thinker Tool to generate ideas that we never would have arrived at using the wide spectrum of traditional ideation methods. It takes you to powerful Big idea neighborhoods, that one would never venture into without the unique ideation stimulus that this Tool Provides. A low cost must-have for every product developer’s tool box, regardless of what you are trying to do.
— John Gregg, 5-Star Amazon Review, January 2020

I Use KnowBrainer Solo and with Teams.  I got the KnowBrainer tool when I attended a brainstorming seminar years ago. Its one of the only analog tools that keeps delivering benefits, no matter version upgrades on electronics, because any tab I flip to will spark either a question or a new word or insight - something new I hadn't considered. We've written books and countless presentations and this thing clears roadblocks like nothing else.
— Robert Jordan, 5-Star Amazon Review, January 2020

One of the Best Creativity Tools ever invented! The KnowBrainer is a simple-to-use yet extremely powerful tool for ideation, creativity, innovation, brainstorming, organizing thought, and much more. I personally have used the KnowBrainer to come up with new ideas for my personal life, business life and in working with others to help them develop new ideas as well. I can't recommend it highly enough!
— Harry Higinbotham
, 5-Star Amazon Review, January 2020

Don't leave home without it! I have used my KnowBrainer tool for over 10 years and it never stops delivering value! Not only have I used the KnowBrainer tool throughout my engineering positions, I have used it to facilitate innovation and creativity in almost every discipline including HR, marketing, finance, manufacturing, legal, and more. Additionally, it's great to use in your personal life as well. Don't leave home without it! :) 
— Corinne Miller, 5-Star Amazon Review, January 2020

Great Tool with Flexibility to Inspire. I've used this tool in both systematic and random ways to either guide an innovation process through steps or get a person or team unstuck by flipping through random cards. The tool is durable, colorful, and filled with good questions, quotes, and photos to spark ideas. It is great to see the eyes of the team members as they surprise themselves with ideas popping out. I also love the simplicity of the design with the cards fanning out. Easy to carry and use. 
 Diana Baldi, 5-Star Amazon Review

A Very Unique and Powerful Tool to Foster Innovation. The KnowBrainer Tool is one of the most powerful tools I have ever used to stimulate creativity and innovative thinking both in industry and as a professor. Questioning is a very powerful approach in general and this tool provides a structure to the process that really works. 
—  James Treleaven, 5-Star Amazon Review

A Tool for Conscious Innovation. The KnowBrainer is a great tool both for a structured process for innovation and a tool for spontaneous creativity and thinking. Using the tool actually helps to learn the 4-stage process Gerald created and teaches in his workshops. The tool is very compact, so it's easy to take it to any place you want to work. I keep it on my desk as a reminder to pick it up and use it. It's a great tool to use with a whiteboard or mindmap on my iPad. I've used it by myself and with co-workers. The other thing is that it provides a framework for expanding beyond the tool. For example, each stage has quotes to consider related to the stage. I also use other quotes that I look up. Same for images, nouns, and other aspects of the tool. It's a really powerful tool. It does make the innovation process a conscious process. 
 Shawn Lock, 5-Star Amazon Review

The Best Creativity Tool I've Ever Used. I have used the previous versions of the KnowBrainer for over twenty years both for my client work and for my only strategic and other types of planning. It's easy to use and extremely flexible. Every time I've used it with clients they have asked where they can buy more so they can distribute it internally for creativity, innovation, and strategic sessions! Gerald has also facilitated sessions for my clients, both domestic and international, which have always been highly successful. You will love the KnowBrainer! 
 Mike Monar, 5-Star Amazon Review

Great Tool for Enhancing Creativity and Communications Skills. I have used the KnowBrainer Thinker Tool many times for both Innovation/Creativity and for Communications workshops. Clients remember this tool years after I have given the workshop so it has a real impact on them. I highly recommend the KnowBrainer Thinker Tool for non-profit as well as for-profit clients and for a local church group. Go for it!!! 
 Deb Taber, 5-Star Amazon Review

Great for Planning. I can't say enough about KnowBrainer. The tool is easy to use and it helps cut through noise to get to answers and ideas. It's good for any setting - corporate, office, offsite, personal, you name it. I've personally used it for strategic planning and brainstorming activities. It keeps people engaged and get's the most out of a group. Great buy and well worth the investment. 
 Chris Cooledge, 5-Star Amazon Review

Powerful Tool that Triggers Thinking in All Stages of the Innovation Process. This small tool is small enough to carry around and powerful enough to help you and your team think through all stages of Innovation: Investigate, create, activate, and evaluate. The tool offers a variety of ways to stimulate ideas: questions, images, quotes etc. I've used this both personally and with my work team. 
—  Jeannie Clinkenbeard, 5-Star Amazon Review

Creativity, Inspiration & Innovation - Effective! This pocket tool is just effective. Easy to use and is the best business and life hack I've found. I've used the Knowbrainer in every aspect of my business to solve problems, answer questions, generate ideas and succeed. 
—  David Blake,  5-Star Amazon Review

Great tactical and strategic planning tool for clarifying what's need and wanted. The KnowBrainer is a great aid for clarifying what's needed and wanted when creating tactics and strategies.
— Amazon Customer,  5-Star Amazon Review

It is an endless source of creative material that can stimulate your own innovation. I have used the KnowBrainer tool for many years and still find it incredibly useful when faced when challenging questions and problems that need solving. I found it so useful that I have bought several of them and use them regularly in brainstorming sessions and Accelerated Innovation events. This tool remains a vital part of Innovation Toolbox.
— Amazon Customer,  5-Star Amazon Review

If you are looking for a creativity tool that is powerful, portable, and low tech, then you ought to check out the KnowBrainer. This tool does an excellent job of leveraging the mind’s capabilities of association to a major advantage. It may look like a simple tool, but don’t let the KnowBrainer’s low-tech “interface” fool you. This is one powerful and easy to use idea generation tool. 
— Robert Brands, Innovation Coach

It's invaluable. The KnowBrainer has revolutionized my approach to all my business and personal endeavors. Success is at your fingertips when you get your hands on a KnowBrainer.
 Janice Shokrian

Innovation Training Fan Testimonials

Testimonials about Innovation Training Workshops and Certifications

I attended Accelerating Innovation training and then sent the rest of my department. Whenever I hold or attend a meeting, people are amazed at the amount and quality of ideas that come out it. 
— Katie Schelp, McDonald’s

I highly recommend Accelerating Innovation training if you want to jump start your organization on producing innovative products or services. 
—  Dan Love, President, Medline

Accelerating Innovation created business solutions worth millions of dollars in new revenue and cost efficiencies, as well as billions worth of new accounts. Training is a one-of-a-kind program that generated a 75% increase in innovation knowledge and a 30% increase in innovation ability. 
— Association for Talent Development (ATD)

We couldn’t have been more pleased with Accelerating Innovation. From their energy and openness through their fantastic tools like the KnowBrainer, we found the tools to be powerful at bringing new ideas and insights to the forefront quickly and keeping us focused and engaged
—  Rene Huey-Lipton, VP, GSD&M, Idea City

We have regained our industry leadership position for innovation as a result of the Accelerating Innovation training. 
—  Gary Peterson, Vice President, Life Fitness

Accelerating Innovation the most valuable training in which I have ever participated. The innovative approach to training combined usable take-away tools like the KnowBrainer, which I still use every week.
—  Kevin Lawrence, American Express

Gerald truly is the "Solutionman." He and his team were contracted for multiple innovation workshops across the world (Germany, China, and the US). They were adaptive, creative, energetic, positive, and facilitated a two-day process that produced exciting results. Gerald is a creative genius!   
Neil Kane, Michigan State University

Simply an amazing experience. This goes WAY beyond just a creativity workshop. This is applied creativity, and WOW is it powerful. If you are looking to make your business expand exponentially, I highly recommend the training.
 Peter Mars, Artist, Founder, Mars Authentic

"Solutionman" Fan Testimonials

Gerald "Solutionman" Haman, Solutionman, Gerald Haman

Gerald "Solutionman" Haman is the #1 Most Connected Innovator in the World on Linkedin. Connect with him at Linkedin.com/in/GeraldHaman and follow him at Twitter.com/Solutionman.

Gerald "Solutionman" Haman is one of the most famous people in the world of innovation. He has worked with almost all of the major multi-billion dollar companies in the world and also holds a world record in the field of brainstorming that he established in Singapore.
—  Anand Chhatpar

I definitely went out on a limb by hiring Gerald for our Client Summit. His approach is unlike any typically seen in our industry and my theme was The Age of Ingenuity (no pressure). Gerald was able to skillfully tailor a program to fit my audience and was incredibly adept at crafting information on the fly. He is insightful and was able to draw out continuity over a two-day period. I am a proponent of trying new ideas and the "Solutionman" certainly has many of those...!   
 Robin Simkins, Google DoubleClick

Gerald was a fantastic facilitator who helped our newly created team at American Express to think about our values, vision and mission innovatively using the amazingly simple, yet effective KnowBrainer tools.
 Jenny Ta, American Express

I was very impressed with Gerald's creativity and innovative session together with the tools he used to motivate out-of-the-box thinking. The session was so successful that he was invited back by other groups. I sincerely recommend SOLUTIONSeople for innovative sessions to create new ideas to grow your business.
 Jaime Borras

Gerald has the unique ability to inspire remarkable creativity and great ideas from individuals or in a group-setting that WORK and deliver business RESULTS.
 Bruce Macmillan, former CEO of MPI

The SOLUTIONSeople team facilitates the most innovative process in idea generation that I’ve seen. Gerald and team were able to synchronize sessions in Germany, China and the U.S.  Each session was catered to the culture and size of the team and resulted in ideation sessions that met expectations.
 Scott Beutler, former VP of Continental Automotive

Gerald Haman is fearlessly innovative! And he brought high value to us at Kraft. He worked several times for me over the years. He is worth the money. And I use the tools he left me with quite frequently.
 John Gregg, former VP of Kraft

Working with Gerald is nothing short of an absolute pleasure. Gerald demonstrates his knowledge of innovation & creativity better than anybody I have met to date.
 Michael Woodard, Georgia-Pacific

Gerald has developed some of the best methods I have ever experienced. We learned to imagine more effectively and build consensus rapidly around the right ideas. I would recommend Gerald and his group. They have skill, they partner, and they helped me deliver.
 Chris Christenson, Fellow, Dow

Gerald is an expert on the product innovation process. His high-energy sessions generate new ideas. SOLUTIONSeople’s approach is the product innovation equivalent to high impact aerobics – it gets the creative juices flowing.
 Walter Blotkamp, Capital One

Gerald is a phenomenal leader in the area of innovation. His methodologies, personal energy and enthusiasm made him very effective in working with my team.  
 Gary Peterson, VP R&D, Life Fitness

While I was a professor at the Kellogg School of Management, Gerald taught cutting-edge innovation techniques to my students (and later to his own), He is a gifted teacher, insightful expert, and skilled facilitator--I highly recommend his services.
 Rob Kozinets, Northwestern University Professor

Gerald is a pioneer in the field of creativity and innovation. His tools allow anyone to repeatedly generate new solutions. People around the world use Gerald's tools and benefit from his work.
 John Figiel, HR & OD Expert

Gerald has amazing enthusiasm in seeing others grow their ability to innovate. If you are looking for someone to jump start, grow, or challenge you to innovate, then Gerald is someone you want to hook up with. I highly recommend him.
 Casey Hill, Research in Motion

Gerald is one of the most creative people I know. His THINKubator meeting space in Chicago is amazing!
 Chuck Frey, Founder, Innovation Tools

There are few people that truly inspire, and Solutionman is one of them. Gerald Haman provided a wealth of knowledge with his methods and breadth of innovation insights that is complemented by a refreshing, supporting and creative atmosphere.
 WS Walts, VP, Bank of America

Gerald has had a profound effect on me, our company and many of our clients. He is passionate about his work and achieves a "return on ideas" every time. If you want innovation...you need Solutionman.
 Kevin Olsen, Keyway

Gerald is a great thought leader. I would highly recommend his innovation training for any company. Its applications are endless. It is a great value with proven results.
 Deborah Hanlon, VP of HR

Gerald's great strength is the depth of his knowledge in innovation techniques and process. He was able to quickly customize approaches that led to great ideations for innovative strategies for diverse topics, including innovative approaches to AT&T's Olympic sponsorship and satellite TV content.
 Christian Donahue, GSD&M

Gerald was able to develop a proprietary instrument for Kraft that was extremely effective in both generating ideas and stimulating the innovation process for our key development platforms.
 James Andrade, VP, Kraft Asia

I have worked with Gerald many times over the last 18 years and every experience has been extremely positive. Feedback is always positive and people want to work with him; he gets results.
 Paula Serratore, Legal Administrators Association

Gerald is one of those people who have chosen the perfect profession. The talent and skills he possesses integrate perfectly with his "innovative" company. He is an excellent speaker, both entertaining and credible, but is most impressive in that he does offer real solutions.
 Don Sandel, United Airlines

Gerald is a born motivator and leader -- and even more impressive is his ability to teach everyone that innovation lives inside every one of us. He's a master at bringing that out!
 Abby Polonsky, WGN Chicago  

Gerald brings out the best in others and sincerely cares about the development of all people--clients, partners and staff. He knows innovation and stays at the "leading edge" of the field, plus, he's fun
 Linda Dunkel, CEO, Interaction Associates

After 2 days I left the workshop with tools that have a profound impact on my business and personal life. I was also delighted with the opportunity of sharing this unique experience with other participants that represented some of the best international companies in the world.
 Leslie Minkus, CEO

I have worked with Gerald and SOLUTIONSeople many times during my tenure at American Express. He and his team do great work to open creative processes at companies and within teams.
 Lisa Gregg, VP, American Express

Gerald has been such an inspiration - he has amazing energy as a leader of innovation and as a human being! I thoroughly enjoyed his Accelerated Innovation workshop at the THINKubator in Chicago and would recommend it to others who are seeking innovation training or just a new outlook on life and business. 
 Tori Berndt, Allstate

Gerald is very knowledgeable and high-energy! His techniques work well, as I have applied them in many work situations as well as community service and with my family and friends. He facilitates creativity, innovation and collaboration. He's a living example of how I strive to manage and grow my business.
 Lee Mann, Wilton Industries

I recently took Gerald's Innovation workshop at the THINKubator in Chicago. In this workshop, Gerald taught me and my team how to use his KnowBrainer tool. Gerald demonstrated a thorough knowledge of the innovation process and he kept the session entertaining and informative. I believe that he has developed an effective tool to guide the user through a simplified process that facilitates innovation. My team and I will be working to incorporate this tool into our product development process over the next few months.
 Jim McNulty, Dentsply Rinn Medical

I thoroughly enjoyed the experience at the 'Solutionmans' THINKubator and the tools I learned to use and apply. Gerald creates a relaxed/fun atmosphere to bring out our best when thinking about and solving a variety of problems. Gerald's vast experiences and the innovation tools he created all converged to equip me to confidently define my challenges and develop innovative and effective ways to find solutions. The KnowBrainer and other tools that Gerald taught us are excellent, effective and practical. Great experience! A+ across the board!
 Mark Pufundt, Chairman, IMS

I attended Gerald's Accelerate to Innovate workshop and found it to provide simple ways to generate ideas, concepts and solutions. He did a great job engaging the group.
 Amy Curtis, Abbott Labs 

Gerald's training and products related to rapid innovation are truly awesome. The concepts are easy to understand and apply. Gerald brings credibility to the training program and is a truly innovative thinker through and through.
 Jacy Haefke, Rockwell Collins

I had the good fortune to partner with Gerald on creation and delivery of a Question Banking tutorial for some of our best and brightest innovators. Gerald partners extremely well, diving deep into the unique cultural barriers to change in an organization and customizing his materials to make a profound impact on the thinking and behavior of innovators. I found him an extremely good listener and work partner, who respectfully deferred to internal expertise and was open to tailoring his tools and techniques for the intended audience. We not only were able to shift the thinking, we engaged in our workshops, but I broadened and deepened my personal approaches to innovation and creative problem solving.
 Maria Thompson, ITW Innovation Center

The overall training experience was energizing and informative and well worth the time spent. Besides learning how to be more innovative and help others be more innovative, I worked on a project to see the results first hand. The tools and techniques transform how you think and do innovation; having a structured method that works is exciting. Importantly, the tools and techniques can be used after the training. The KnowBrainer tool and coordinated chart lets you take the Problem from the Investigation Phase through a 4-stage process to implementation. This process can be used for almost any business problem, not just new product development. Finally, a less quantifiable, but very helpful part of the process was going through it with a small number of people from different industries. We learned from each other in the process and the free follow-up webinars with these same people coordinated by Gerald are proving to be useful, too.
 Linda Baxley, Press Ganey Healthcare

I have had the pleasure of working with Gerald and his SOLUTIONSeople team since 2002 and he has been very effective in facilitating the UIC interdisciplinary product development teams for creativity training and brainstorming techniques. Everyone always benefits from the insights of playing the Know Your Brain Game.
 Stephen Melamed, University of Illinois Professor

Gerald "Solutionman" Haman coached our team, leading us to identify and develop multiple options for the problem we were attempting to solve. From these options we developed several solution scenarios which ultimately resulted in us picking a solution which has been successfully implemented. The "Solutionman" utilized his insight and knowledge and very effective communications skills to draw out from our team some obvious and not so obvious considerations to the task at hand. A significant factor to enable our team's creative juices was our time at the THINKubator. This unique and stimulating environment really took us away from our everyday professional environment. It certainly helped me think more objectively and creatively during our interaction with Gerald and his team! I recommend Gerald and SOLUTIONSeople Innovation for teams and organizations in need of innovative solutions!
 Cary Dudczak, Alcatel-Lucent

Gerald is a very trustworthy individual who is dedicated to train people’s brains and triggering people's minds for being more innovative. His friendly and positive manner, his team of "SOLUTIONSeople" and furthermore the THINKubator makes it fun to explore own capabilities potentially not fully used before. I found his KnowBrainer tool very helpful to consider different aspects in the thought process. Gerald is very capable to motivate both smaller and larger groups. I can highly recommend him and his team of SOLUTIONSeople and I am looking forward to continue working with him.
 Richard Ziegler, Continental Automotive Germany

I have attended a lot of training programs and entered into business partnerships with many organisations but few have impressed me as much as SOLUTIONSeople. Gerald's commitment and vision for his work is inspiring. All the way out here in Australia we love the SOLUTIONSeople programs.  
 Andrea Renwick, Swinburne University, Australia

Gerald created a remarkable day for my team. And I appreciated the support and affirmation for the work we are doing to become all that we can be at Robert Crown. Gerald taught us how to brainstorm using the innovation KnowBrainer; how to come up with thousands of creative ideas to address important strategic issues. We kicked off the start of our teaching year by spending a day at The THINKubator, which is an environment designed to help people relax and innovate. Remembering our day puts a big smile on my face.
 Kathleen Burke, CEO, Center for Health Education

Everyone needs Gerald's KnowBrainer workshop!
 Jane Mall, Northern Illinois University

Gerald's methods have been successfully used by companies all across the country and internationally. His energy and enthusiasm for teaching you how to be more creative and innovative is well worth the investment. Go with the full intent of participating in the process. Plan to be transformed. This is not one of those workshops where you sit in a chair and get talked to for hours on end.
 Deb Hess, Director, Inventors Congress

Gerald is a very nice, innovative, creative and original thinker that has invented a set of unique tools in order to stimulate others to create and innovate. His great KnowBrainer tool is an excellent guide to be used while having brainstorm sessions, working on an issue, developing new ideas or products, etc. An excellent way to get exposed to this innovation catalyzer is by attending one of Gerald's workshops at his THINKubator; if you have not realized the importance of the environment to accelerate and stimulate your way of thinking, you should not miss the opportunity to expend time at this area made to think, create and innovate.
 Luis Alberto Godinez, Continental Automotive Mexico

Gerald Haman and his company SOLUTIONSeople were engaged for consulting services. I used Gerald to engage about 30 diverse professionals for the purpose of generating intellectual property. Gerald and his team helped us to generate over 2,000 patent ideas and we actually submitted approximately 50 patents as a direct result of this work. Gerald is an outstanding professional who knows how to get the job done, having fun, and breaking down the doors of creativity. I highly recommend him and his company.
 Anthony Carter, VP, Covidien

Gerald is an enthusiastic, passionate and sincere speaker and facilitator who does a fantastic job of helping people to distill their thoughts and ideas around change, innovation and influence. His depth of experience, coupled with the tools that he has developed within SOLUTIONSeople, create and support a scalable and repetitive process and platform that others can use to realize their own goals for new products, new services and removing barriers. He is knowledgeable, generous with his ideas and experience, and I highly recommend Gerald and his entire team. I will use them often.
 David Patrick, The David Allen Co.

Innovation training at Gerald's THINKubator is a unique and valuable experience. He is a great facilitator, the environment truly demonstrates how the fun and fantastic lends itself to creative thinking and the tools that he has created are useful, interesting, productive and fun. Having taken the innovative training from Gerald's firm about a week before writing this, I wonder if everything I really needed to succeed in life was given to me in kindergarten and the rest of my education and career has done everything it can to suck it back out. My hat's off to Gerald to reminding me of what is important in life.
 Randy Thompson, Parker Aerospace

Gerald facilitated an all day workshop at the ASTD Leaders Conference that went right to the need of understanding and getting through a process. Very innovative and it worked! We worked through a need of a participant in my group and came up with great solutions using his process.
 Nancy Seebert, Providence Health

Gerald's Accelerated Innovation Training with SOLUTIONSeople is a tremendous experience for innovation and innovative thinking. I don't know if you can find others in the field doing what he is doing - promising and delivering a high ROI with such fun and creativity.
 Jennifer Haertling, Kraft

Innovation training at Gerald's THINKubator is a unique and valuable experience. He is a great facilitator, the environment truly demonstrates how the fun and fantastic lends itself to creative thinking and the tools that he has created are useful, interesting, productive and fun. Having taken the innovative training from Gerald's firm about a week before writing this, I wonder if everything I really needed to succeed in life was given to me in kindergarten and the rest of my education and career has done everything it can to suck it back out. My hat's off to Gerald to reminding me of what is important in life.
 Randy Thompson, Parker Aerospace

Gerald facilitated an all day workshop at the ASTD Leaders Conference that went right to the need of understanding and getting through a process. Very innovative and it worked! We worked through a need of a participant in my group and came up with great solutions using his process.
 Nancy Seebert, Providence Health

Gerald has been able to do what many claim, but few have truly achieved: define a highly engaging process that leads to clear answers—faster, better, easier. His focus is on whole-brain thinking with emphasis on follow-through. This isn't some pompous, esoteric discussion on theories that go around in circles. It's concrete, down-to-earth and fun. By the way, so is his personal coaching style. Do yourself a favor and sign up.
 Laura Bensman, Discover Financial

Gerald's innovation methodology has helped me generate innovative problem-solving ideas. His workshop and KnowBrainer innovation process is well worth the time and money to learn.
 Don Ice,  Austhink Software

Innovation like you have never experienced it! Organized, Fun, Insightful, and Inspiring! Gerald Solutionman Haman is THE THOUGHT LEADER on INNOVATION. I recently went to one of Gerald’s Innovation workshops. Prior to this event, I thought I was pretty innovative. I always had new ideas and I thought of myself as very creative. Gerald’s workshop opened my eyes to an unseen world. It showed me weaknesses I didn’t know I had, and it walked me through the process to creating solutions in every area of my life through a systemized process! My company has integrated a whole new process for creating innovation on a daily basis. Thank you Gerald, you have saved my company thousands of dollars in wasted time and taught us a process to foster new future revenues streams for our company. I recommend Gerald’s workshops or KnowBrainer Innovation tool to anyone who is interested in finding solutions in their personal or business life!
 Nathan Kievman, Linkedin Guru

Gerald sets himself apart from other world class experts in the field through a credible and down to earth approach, hands-on innovation tools that work, the background and life experience of a universal genius, and ultimately with his unpretentious, perceptive and helpful disposition.
 Banz Ledin

I attended the Solutionman's workshop to get past a brick wall in my marketing strategies. Gerald's passion and vast experience opened my mind to his creative tool. I find his course ever more worthwhile as I grow to use the KnowBrainer tool to enhance my brainstorming. It truly helped me get past this recent brick wall and I can see how I will continue to use it.
 Joshua Gutstein

I'm in the training and development industry, have done many presentations and workshops, and have seen many others do theirs. Few of them are as innovative, interactive and informative as those of Gerald and his company. Gerald is rightly called the "Solutionman". He has a remarkable acumen for development skills and helping teams innovate ideas. Highly recommend him!  
 Maurice Velasquez, Growth Institute

Gerald Haman has devoted himself to understanding the underlying processes of innovation and creative thinking. His in-depth understanding enables him to provide valuable guidance to his clients. I have personally observed his tenacious commitment to delivering high value experiences and results for his clients. His tools and techniques are sound and effective, and he readily shares what he knows with anyone who wants to understand how to innovate.  
—  Adrian Davis

As a Director of a team of 15 product managers with a subset of leaders at U.S. Cellular, I leveraged Gerald's KnowBrainer problem solving and brainstorming process and rented out his meeting location. Both the process and the highly creative environment combined to truly energize and inspire the team to develop ideas and solid plans for the upcoming year. The team unanimously agreed that it was one of our best experiences as a team and would absolutely utilize SOLUTIONSeople again given the opportunity.    
 Sherry Davenport

It is a pleasure to work with Gerald and the SOLUTIONSeople team. From amazingly innovative space at the THINKubator to the handy KnowBrainer tool - you can't run out of ideas if you have Gerald on your side!  
 Jennifer Mounce

"If you always think what you always thought, you'll always get what you always got!" This is one of my all time favorite quotes and it is by Gerald "Solutionman" Haman. He has developed a great way to truly teach anyone to think outside the box. At the THINKubator, I was able to find tools I needed to think creatively beyond the cubicle walls, while stepping out of my comfort zone and having fun with complete strangers. A favorite tool is the Knowbrainer, with its quotes and photos; it is a great aid in stimulating my innovative ideas. I also like the fact that I can continue to learn about Innovative thinking, even though my workshop ended. If you or your company are stuck in a rut, contact Gerald, he has a "solution" for you!  
 Katrina Birling

I recently attended Gerald's innovation workshop. The KnowBrainer tool that Gerald gave us is invaluable. Understanding how to use this tool has revolutionized my approach to all of my business and personal endeavors. Gerald has outstanding teaching methods and materials. Every effort should be made to attend Gerald's classes.   
 Janice Shokrian

Innovation is the life-blood of an organization yet so hard to harness. Gerald and his SOLUTIONSeople have made this balancing act far easier, offering ways to ensure each team is 'packed' with just the right blend of people. Within an hour he had 500 American Express managers dancing to a different tune, one that had us poised for even more greatness. In a world of innovation imposters, Gerald is the real deal.  
 David Schoenberger, American Express

Gerald has been a source of creative inspiration for me. His KnowBrainer tool is one of the easiest and most effective tools out there to use in the brainstorming process. His THINKubator is wonderful and I strongly recommend his work and his process to anyone needing to find a way to "ask the right questions!  
 Mike Thompson, Coach 

As a Director of a team of 15 product managers with a subset of leaders at U.S. Cellular, I leveraged Gerald's KnowBrainer problem solving and brainstorming process and rented out his meeting location. Both the process and the highly creative environment combined to truly energize and inspire the team to develop ideas and solid plans for the upcoming year. The team unanimously agreed that it was one of our best experiences as a team and would absolutely utilize SOLUTIONSeople again given the opportunity.    
 Sherry Davenport

It is a pleasure to work with Gerald and the SOLUTIONSeople team. From amazingly innovative space at the THINKubator to the handy KnowBrainer tool - you can't run out of ideas if you have Gerald on your side!  
 Jennifer Mounce

When it comes to Innovation there is only one person I think about and that’s Gerald Haman. Gerald has an uncanny ability to capture a group’s attention by personally facilitating the group along with using his highly effective KnowBrainer Tool. Over the past 10 years, our company has used Gerald on many different occasions that have generated successful and measurable outcomes. I highly suggest you visit his workspace… you’ll never forget it!  
 Gary Vlk, One Smooth Stone

Gerald is the most amazing Innovation Coach! His many "tools" like the KnowBrainer, Brain Game, Movie Minds or Question Banking, are fun and incredibly effective. He planned and conducted an off-site "Innovation for Growth" event which fully engaged over 50 high-power business & technical leaders across the corporation, creating 1000's of new ideas. His THINKubator site in his Chicago office is a fantastic place to bring together a bunch of diverse people who then gel as a team & develop wonderful new ideas. His alternative & multiple approaches, to solving problems and indentifying opportunities, are incredibly stimulating and addictive. He is a masterful leader who keeps the energy level high and yet still very personal. I unhesitatingly recommend Gerald as the first choice to facilitate your quests for innovation and creativity.  
 Jerry Meyerhoff

Gerald Haman has dedicated his life to the study and practice of helping people learning how to understand and connect to their own creative problem-solving abilities so that they can innovate more effectively. He has worked with marquee clients and has a stellar reputation in the innovation learning space. I highly recommend him - he is ethical, kind, smart and knows a ton about the cognitive and emotional processes that impact creativity and innovation for bottom line business results. Working with him is truly a pleasure!  
 Demetra Anagnostopoulos

I had the pleasure of partnering with Gerald on developing and delivering a Diversity of Thought training session at American Express. His innovative approach to training combined with useable take-away tools like the KnowBrainer (which I use every week) made for one of the most valuable training sessions in which I have participated. If memory serves correct, our team generated well over 1,000 ideas based on his innovation challenge by provoking group creative and innovative thought.   
 Kevin Lawrence, American Express

We love the KnowBrainer! I attended Gerald's incredibly energetic and informational workshops in Chicago, and I am a heavy proponent of his "KnowBrainer" tool for innovation. It actually helps you generate ideas... We often have our staff and partners, as well as our clients use Gerald's tools and methods to innovate during the creative preproduction and design process when creating film and TV projects. I find his tools and strategies invaluable for fleshing out ideas, troubleshooting, writing blocks, and brainstorming. What I love most about Gerald's program is that he actually gives you functional TOOLS that you can walk away with and use immediately... Unlike many other "consultants" and business lecturers or keynote speakers... No flowery speeches, no useless buzzwords, and no popular but superficial business "trends" ... but ACTUAL TOOLS you can put to use immediately. When you are done at his amazing THINKubator office or even after a session in your own office, not only have you had a great time, but you have a great tool, and are empowered to create ideas and innovate!  
—  Jason Metcalfe, Film Producer

We are commencing an innovation process, and like anything it takes time. Not only has Gerald positively influenced everyone he has met, I see him as becoming an active change agent through his inspiration, enthusiasm, to genuineness to help our company become more innovative. The more we get to use Gerald the better, and it is making positive inroads. 
 Erin Fitzgerald, Dairy Management Inc.

Gerald has worked with me on ideation and innovation with novel, creative techniques and a business results orientation. I can recommend Gerald if you need results from ideation that you can act on.  
 Art Paton, Senior Learning Consultant

I consider Gerald a mentor in the field of innovation and creativity. Gerald has an amazing capacity for creativity and is always looking for new ways to engage and amaze his clients. No matter what we were working on, I always learned a lot from my interactions with Gerald.    
 Jodee Bock

Gerald has a unique gift to get people thinking innovatively. I highly recommend Gerald and SOLUTIONSeople for companies that need new perspectives. Change your questions, change your thinking, and change your outcome. If you think you are not creative, or if you've hit an idea roadblock, spend some time with SOLUTIONSeople and you will start creating ideas you did not think you had the capability to create. You can be taught to innovate, and Gerald can teach. It is worth the time and then investment to take a one or two day trip to Solutionman's THINKubator in Chicago. You will leave inspired and encouraged.   
 Jay Ehret

Gerald is an innovator who can inspire and draw out the best in any group. He teaches the fundamentals of innovation like the Brain Game and provides interactive learning that creates results. He helps people access mind and heart and that's what creates memorable and lasting results! It's always a success with Gerald!  
 Mary DeNoble, Healthcare OD

I had the pleasure of attending Gerald's workshop for the American Society for Training and Development (a very tough crowd for any presenter). Gerald was brilliant! His four-stage approach to innovation is clear and easy to work with, and his KnowBrainer tool can't be beat. I'd love to invent a way to create a Solutionman serum and inoculate all my clients with Gerald's approach. Inoculate to Innovate!     
 Kent Blumberg, Chapter VP, ATD

I have had the opportunity to collaborate with Gerald for more than a decade -- using SOLUTIONSeople tools, taking classes on innovation process, considering the impact of workspace design on creativity, and forming facilitator teams for large meetings. I recommend him and his approach to anyone or any team looking to create more ideas to move forward faster.   
 Mark Stinson 

Gerald and his team and SOLUTIONSeople have developed an excellent process for innovation that is strategic, creative and a lot of fun! The THINKubator environment helps foster creativity and the tools that he uses are a big help in brainstorming and ideation. I highly recommend working with Gerald if you are interested in breakthrough innovation.  
 Joey Iazzetto

I had the pleasure to work with Gerald on two occasions, once when I hired him for my company's national meeting and another time when a vendor of ours hired him for a major meeting they were having for their clients. Gerald is refreshing in his approach to helping people to think 'out of the box' and his teaching tools are innovative and inspiring. It's tough to get a room full of executives to participate in group programs but through Gerald's expertise, professionalism and personality, he had everyone participating, learning, growing and having a great time coming up with some very creative solutions to some difficult situations.    
 Janet Cesario, Taubman

Gerald and his SOLUTIONSeople colleagues are an absolute delight to work with. I arrived a little skeptical, but left revitalized and with new insights into the process of innovation. Going back for more will be a KnowBrainer.  
 Dr. Gail Barnes

Gerald is the business leader and trusted colleague to hire when you desire a unique and one of a kind experience leading to break through strategic business planning and innovative leadership development. He's a MUST HIRE when you need to break out of the box to create the future state of business growth and innovation.   
 Jeanne Stoner

I have known Gerald Haman for 20 years and can recommend him without reservation. He is a person who operates with integrity, honesty and great creativity. I am continually amazed at the impact he has had and continues to have for companies and organizations that use his services and those of the SOLUTIONSeople team. The creation of the Know-Brainer, for example, sounds simple, yet from this basic tool we've worked out brilliant new initiatives for our companies that hadn't existed before. One day I picked up a copy of the New York Times and read about a guy who was stranded overnight along with hundreds of fellow travelers in an airport terminal somewhere. This person made a sign that read something like "Free Brainstorming" and a line formed, all people wanting help. Somehow the story made it into the paper, and of course that guy was Gerald Haman. The government of Singapore used their national stadium to conduct the largest mass brainstorming event ever held (Guinness Book of World Records winner). The guy who thought it up and did all the work? Gerald. In my book, this defines an extraordinary person.   
 Robert Jordan, President, InterimExecs

I have worked with Gerald and his SOLUTIONSeople colleagues on several projects over the years, and it is always a delight. It isn't often that one gets the opportunity to go on a fun and creative journey that delivers high-yielding results. I think Gerald's true gift is the way that he expertly incorporates the right amounts of levity and learning to challenge people to rethink their business.  
 Robin Busse, McDonald's  

I've actually collaborated with Gerald on a number of occasions. I participated in training sessions at the THINKubator, recommended SOLUTIONSeople to one of my clients for a successful joint venture and even rented the Incubator for an event. I've had many ah -ha moments in using the KnowBrainer and have taught SOLUTIONSeople techniques to my staff and colleagues. Working with Gerald is like having your personal innovation advisor. It's a win-win and fun too!   
 Lynn Hazan, Executive Recruiter

I attended Gerald's pre-conference workshop at the ASTD Leadership Conference, and it was outstanding. I used the KnowBrainer tool to resolve a situation on my plane trip home & was impressed with how complete my results were. Gerald, you're awesome!    
 Theresa Kinney

Gerald is a best in class service provider, without question. His tools and methodologies are not only creative and innovative, they produce results beyond measure. As a member of Capital One's international innovation team, I had the pleasure of working side by side with Gerald from concept to successful implementation of variety of innovation initiatives. He worked tirelessly and continually exceeded the very high expectations of a diverse group of constituents within the company.  
 Jo-Ann Sloan

I've had the pleasure of working with Gerald and SOLUTIONSeople for the past 2 years and have recommended him and his firm without hesitation. Using the concepts and ideas presented in his Accelerated Innovation workshops has paid dividends to my organization. I have taken three soon to be four intact teams to learn new, creative and innovative techniques to solve challenges we face in accomplishing the work that we perform. When Gerald describes ROI (Return on Ideas), it was a real outcome for each of the teams. We walked away with more ideas than we could have imagined and left the workshops with concrete ways to implement them. The tools, the facilitation, and his consulting are all first rate. I have recommended his organization to other groups that I am associated and I do it without a second thought.  
 Raymond Truitt

Gerald organized and ran a multi-day, in-house innovation meeting for our company and did an excellent job, managing to get even those of us with a more negative attitude towards such things to participate :). He worked hard for long hours, and remained personable at all times.  
 Jim Edwards, Continental Automotive

I was a client of Gerald's and his THINKubator service as an employee of a team at Motorola that needed some help with out-of-the-box creative solution building. What an experience! Fantastic energy, great tools, almost instant synergy and tangible outcome and actions to take away. Loved the experience and I look forward to tapping Gerald and the THINKubator team again in the future.  
 Karin Melberg

Gerald Haman's exploration of the concept of creativity and innovation, through his workshop offerings is a must do EXPERIENCE for those serious about keeping up in today's non-stop innovating business environment. I've attended numerous conferences, workshops, seminars and training after training programs in my 25-year career and these ranks with the best. He hits the "sweet spot" in his design of a captivating and engaging experience. The content and intellectual models are presented in an entertaining way-another words learning is fun- It's interactive and thought provoking and the learning on creativity takes place in an environment enables creativity. He has designed a distinctive place which is just fun to be in as opposed to the sterile hotel room, conference center or board room. Included in his experiences are a couple of signature moments but I don't want to spoil his surprises waiting for you. One word describes Haman’s offering. MEMORABLE!! Go4it! 
 Bill Gibeault

I had the great pleasure of being certified in Accelerated Innovation with Gerald. The experience at the THINKubator was amazing. And my clients are benefiting from the Goal Getting sessions we are doing with the Know Brainer tool. It is great content - it is a no brainer! 
 Renie McClay

Gerald, his tools and his team provide an invaluable and innovative resource to those of us who would like to think we have the capacity for creativity and out-of-the-box ideas. The KnowBrainer tool for example deftly allows a group to move beyond the 'wall' that is sometimes experienced during the creative/brainstorming process. The best and initial experience I would recommend to any group looking to work with Gerald is to actually attend a facilitated session at the THINKubator in Chicago for a day. After that, offsite sessions and other interactive meetings will take on an entirely new energy.   
 Dae Markus

Gerald Haman's firm, SOLUTIONSeople, is accurately named as I have learned working by with them over several years. While it may be easy to get lost in the multitude of offerings from other innovation experts or consultants, SOLUTIONSeople's stands out with a proven track record of success. What Gerald brings to the innovation and creativity with his 20 years of experience can best be described as "applied" innovation or innovation that matters. Rather than speak to the obvious need for companies to innovate or the feelgood topics of personal creativity Gerald helps companies use innovation as a tool to create solutions to real-world challenges. SOLUTIONSeople helped me and Red Bull better identify goals, challenges and opportunities and then addresses them through a proven 4-stage process that suspends normal business thinking and opens up brainpower to new possibilities. The most refreshing part of the training is that they are applicable, replicable, and built upon real-world challenges. In the Accelerated Innovation Training, SOLUTIONSeople takes people through a hands-on process that engages your entire team and drives you to better, more focused ideas that are then evaluated, planned and activated. Haman's innovation and creativity training combined with the KnowBrainer tool have given us a fresh way to focus on our challenges and to quickly break through "stuck" thinking. If you were to invest time in one area that would help your companies grow and compete - this would be it. 
 Dana Montenegro, Red Bull

Accelerated Innovation training with the KnowBrainer tool has made it easy for our internal and international trainers to foster more creativity and innovation in our company throughout the world.  
 Andy Hines, Professor, author of Thinking About the Future

Gerald is THE best-connected person I know and the reason he's so connected is he DELIVERS over and over again. How do I know? For over 17 years, I've had the great experience of being Gerald Haman's client, having him as a client and working together as his business partner. Gerald's competence is unquestionable. He's extremely bright and connects the dots for new insights with extraordinary ease. I've watched him work with hundreds of groups and seen firsthand his amazing ability to connect, capture and catapult business results. The secret to Gerald's brilliance is he starts with a good base, pioneers new toys at alarming rates, is never personally satisfied with where he is and absorbs learning from every person he meets. There's a reason people keep showing up in new companies and bring him back in: He makes clients look good, they get promoted and have even more opportunities! If you want real world competence from someone who never takes the credit, you'll want Gerald on your speed dial. And if you've used him before, know this...as good as he was/is, he'll be even better the next time. This guy is a never ending learning machine! It's one thing to be a great mind; it's another to have the character you can trust. If there were a President of the Gerald Haman fan club, I'd surely be the guy!   
 Tom Schaff, Major League Sales

I attended the Accelerated Innovation Workshop for the first time in 2007, and was so impressed that I decided to attend again recently. The workshop is quite an experience; it introduces a number of individual and team-based innovation tools and techniques. Gerald definitely has a talent for bringing out the best ideas and action plans from a group! He has also managed to create tools and processes that anyone can use to duplicate those results. I especially treasure the KnowBrainer innovation tool which has helped me many times to work through blocks in my creative process as a software solution developer.  I am happy to recommend Gerald and SOLUTIONSeople to anyone looking for an innovative edge.
 Derrick Lewis, West Indies University

Selecting just three of the attributes available in the menu is impossible regarding Gerald, as he embodies all of them. His programs have stimulated great creative thinking that has driven executable programs for us, driving high Returns on Innovation. He is extremely generous with his time, attention, and effort, and his innovation tools, like the THINKubator space and KnowBrainer tool have been extraordinarily helpful.
 Brad Barbera, Product Development Management Association

The innovation training and certification workshops I attended in New York last year was an "out of the box" memorable experience. The concepts and tools were easy to understand, digest and implement - yet highly effective to deal with personal and professional issues. I would recommend Gerald's Accelerated Innovation workshop to anybody willing to learn innovation at work.
 Juan Marcos, Transforma Spain

I recently had the pleasure of participating in an invigorating Innovation workshop orchestrated by Gerald and his team at the THINKubator – a brilliant eco-system for fostering innovation and creativity.  Gerald, the Solutionman, is talented innovator who has the knack of coaching teams to unleash the power of the entire brain through a structure innovation process that involves unique tools and techniques that include the (unique) KnowBrainer tool, music, pictures, quotes and group-thinking techniques.  I look forward to working closely with SOLUTIONSeople to apply the innovation and ideation process to complex business challenges.
 Dev Worah, Virtusa

Gerald conducted a two-day session to introduce his KnowBrainer techniques to a group of around 25 managers in our organization. His high energy level and highly participative training style ensured that the time flew by and everyone was able to get hands on with the wide variety of tools on offer. I have used his techniques a few times since the training session and found them to be very effective in shifting myself out of traditional mindsets.
 Colin Macqueen, Trelleborg

Our team, comprising of 6 Automotive Engineers, recently attended Gerald Haman’s Accelerated Innovation Workshop at his THINKubator in Chicago. Gerald’s creativity and innovation workshops and webinars are a must do experience for anyone serious about keeping up in today’s competitive innovation driven business surroundings. When you walk in to the THINKubator, your mind is cleared by calm and creative areas, music and beautiful skyline views of Chicago. These surroundings allow you to effectively use your creativeness in ways I did not realize were possible. The tools and processes covered like the Brain Game, Know Brainer, M-Curve, 3 R's, Idea Exchange and Questionating, to name a few, are unmatched by any other available today. I cannot wait for all the tools to be available in applications and/or software. Our team looks forward to incorporating the tools and processes at the office and also in our personal lives. Thank you Gerald for making this one of the best training sessions I have ever been a part of. You really know how to bring out the best in people.
 Pete Zeimis, Magna

I first met Gerald almost ten years ago. I finally attended an Innovation Workshop and all I can say is "wow, why did I wait so long!" Conducted in the perfect setting, the THINKubator, the workshop is a magical experience. Being a marketing professional, it is my job to be creative, expressive and innovative. But it has always been more black magic than science. The workshop has given me the tools to improve my creativity and do it in a structured way. This is not some academic exercise either. I put the principles and techniques to the test the day after I left Gerald. The conditions were, without question, the most difficult environment for innovation. The participants were resistant, recalcitrant, stubborn and myopic. In one session, they spent one hour and forty five minutes debating issues with little meaningful outcome. I offered to conduct an Idea Exchange and was met with skepticism and sarcasm. I convinced them to humor me and we generated over 70 new ideas in 15 minutes! Armed with a set of tools, techniques and philosophies the only limitations to innovation are imposed by the participants. The sky is the limit.
 Doug Mow

Wow. In 2 days, Gerald totally revolutionized how I think about creativity and innovation. His tools, his process, his space and team shift paradigms and enable participants to get out of their own way to unlock breakthrough ideas and solutions. I will absolutely be participating in future trainings and workshops with Gerald.
 Shannon Downey, TED Conference Producer

I attended Gerald Solutionman Haman’s Accelerating Innovation and Creativity Training Workshop in Chicago. As impacting as I thought the experience was as I was going through it, I didn’t realize just how beneficial it would be until many months later. The experience has resonated with me in very powerful and meaningful ways. I draw upon the processes in many troubleshooting scenarios, constantly applying what I learned, and always challenging myself to approach issues from many angles. The workshop is not a glorified think-tank and Gerald is no run-in-the-mill facilitator. This is serious, high-level training designed by an extremely insightful and conscientious educator who puts his heart and soul into the work and understands ideation and creativity on a molecular level. Should you enroll in the workshop—and I strongly recommend that you do—you will receive value-added instruction and learn techniques that transcend out-of-the-box thinking. I am honored and delighted to endorse Gerald. His (omni) presence on LinkedIn is innovative in its own right. Through his Innovation Network, a cluster of communities within the LinkedIn space, he has generated immense social networking opportunities for millions of LinkedIn users. Additionally, I wish to thank Gerald for providing me with a veritable arsenal of productivity tools that continues to pay dividends.
 JD Gershbein, Linkedin Guru

Over the past decade or so that I’ve known Gerald, I have had the pleasure of working with him in several ways: as a student in his certification workshops; as a customer when I sent groups from my organization to the THINKubator (various functions), both independently and as part of an overall leadership development program; as a team member in helping to facilitate a very large Innovation event with one of his clients; and as a friend.  Much can be, and already has been said about his methodologies, tools and expertise in the areas of creativity and innovation. His many years of research and experience in these areas have produced exciting training, wonderful tools like the KnowBrainer, and an environment at the THINKubator that I can best describe as Illuminating! Gerald’s interest is in helping people and organizations become self-sufficient around generating innovative solutions to their most pressing issues. No co-dependent relationships here! I would highly recommend partnering with Gerald if you want to help your organization break out of the norm, turbo-charge your thought processes and accelerate into the future with quantifiable results. And, as a bonus, you get to know a smart, collaborative, selfless, insightful, fun and world-renowned master in his field. How can you beat that?
 Cindy Huey, Org. Dev. Expert

I attended an innovation training workshop with a colleague at the THINKubator. What a great experience! The stimulating environment combined with powerful tools that Gerald provided us with instantly got the creative juices flowing. I left energized with great ideas and new brainstorming techniques that we are immediately putting into action.
 Olivia Wolak, InterimCEO.com

The training at the THINKubator is a great experience for me. Gerald not only provided us with great ideas but also several applicable innovation tools which trigger more ideas that we have never thought of.
 Chengli Shu, Professor, Xi'an Jiaotong University China

I recently attended the Accelerated Innovation Workshop at The THINKubator and found it to be a valuable experience. Gerald really is a "Solutionman." His workshops are interactive, and he provides tools such as the Idea Exchange and the KnowBrainer to make innovation an easier process. Thanks Gerald!
 Kim Jones, SmithBucklin Association Management

Gerald is a master facilitator in his workshops. He helps each person and group find their own style of creativity and innovation within the framework he developed. His THINKubator is the best place to learn and to develop solutions whether part of his workshops or as a retreat site. I can't wait to attend the next session there with him.
 Shawn Lock, F5 Networks

So, what is innovation? To renew, change, or improve is what Wikipedia includes in its definition and it is certainly how I would define Gerald as far as who he is and what he does for others. His thought-provoking workshops and tools help anyone from students to CEO's get outside of their box to create fresh perspectives and ideas that generate excitement, energy, inspiration and the motivation to achieve the greatness they aspire.
 Laura Menze

I found more wisdom and insight about creative problem solving and innovation in the 2 day Accelerating Innovation & Creativity Workshop provided by Solution People than the last 20 years of academic and corporate training. Gerald Haman has created a fantastic experience at The THINKubator and an amazing tool in the Innovation KnowBrainer.  As a former trainer and educator, I was impressed with the quality of the education we received. The concepts and ideas are beautiful in their simplicity and logic, and putting them into practice is straight forward. Using the Know Brainer tool is easy and fun and the results are powerful. It is such a unique and unconventional tool that you sometimes forget that you are working. The workshop provides lots of time for collaborative learning and focused work on a project of your choosing. I found this aspect especially valuable because I was looking to implement a lead generation/management system now, not weeks from now. The training is well balanced with theory/practice and individual/group work. I also liked the pace; I never felt rushed and we got a lot accomplished.

I highly recommend Gerald as the gifted instructor/teacher that he is; the workshop for the amazing experience that it was; The THINKubator for the incredibly creative environment that it has become; and the KnowBrainer tool as the constant companion that it should be...It is clear that Gerald has put a lot of thought into every detail of the innovation training and the KnowBrainer. Gerald is an innovation thought leader with an eye for practical application and real-world solutions. I believe everyone who attended the training left feeling not just educated and informed, but more importantly, people felt empowered and excited. In my case, I could not wait to return to work and begin to put into practice what I learned and developed at The THINKubator. 
 Victor Gamez

Gerald has a thorough knowledge of innovation techniques. He is a patient teacher and provides great follow up support.
 Ron Zimmerman, Magna

Gerald's Accelerating Innovation Training Workshop is one of the best workshops you will likely ever attend. Besides great attention to detail before, during and after the workshops, and a superbly hip location, it’s the amazing content and concepts that are outstanding.  No matter what your business role, you will find fantastic use from his concepts and highly practical tools. In just two days, our small group of 15 people from many different businesses, large and small, came up with millions of dollars in ideas we can implement in the weeks ahead! As each of us utilizes these concepts and the KnowBrainer tool over and over again, the value of this workshop just keeps multiplying. This is a MUST do, FUN workshop, especially for groups and organizations that want to leave their competition way, way, behind on the innovation curve.
 Karim Ismail

A super educational and motivating workshop training. A real eye opener. Gerald presented in such a way that every move, tidbit and conservation had some sort of meaning or defined purpose. The kind of stuff that sticks with you. Enjoyed it all.
 Ray Cristman, Trelleborg

Gerald is completely dedicated to his mission of enriching people's work and personal lives through his tools, knowledge, and experiences of creativity and innovation. It is clear why so many major corporations in the world embrace his lifelong work and hunger for his fun, easy-to-use methodology and tools!   
 Dr. Therese Rowley

The techniques and tools utilized in the amazingly creative THINKubator environment truly proved themselves. I can wholeheartedly recommend the services offered by the SOLUTIONSeople. 
 Peter Page

Gerald is all fun and all work. By that I mean he knows how to get a company to think innovation in lots of fun ways that end up with real results. 
 Hazel Wagner, Author

Gerald “Solutionman” Haman is the definition of inspiration. Gerald’s focus on Creativity and Innovation has changed my outlook on every project / class / event I am involved with. Gerald’s guidance has given me the nudge I needed to become better in all aspects of my life. Gerald’s KnowBrainer tool asks the question If the sky is the limit, what might be possible? Gerald has taught me the sky IS the limit. Gerald is the mentor I wish I had 20 years ago. 
 Larry Straining, ATD

Gerald is the best there is in his field. For creativity, innovation and "out of the box" thinking whether applied to strategic issues, employee growth or product development, I recommend Gerald highly.  
 Maurice Velasquez

Gerald is an expert in the field of creativity and innovation. His workshop and KnowBrainer tool are second to none. If I EVER had a need or desire to think or to be more creative, I would and will contact Gerald. He is a true professional and very passionate about his work. You will not be disappointed. 
 Tracy Laverty

Gerald has been a superb performer for our professional society. On two occasions we asked Gerald to provide an energizing networking activity to begin our larger program events. Each time Gerald responded with a creative and effective means to get the participants to learn about one another and to prepare for the substance of the upcoming presentations with relevant and thoughtful small/large group activities. After two years I still receive requests from participants asking to contact his organization. I highly recommend Gerald and his organization.  
 Mike Tillmans, Society for Performance Improvement

Gerald Haman has come to UND and North Dakota several times to work to stimulate innovation in economic development approaches, with alumni to better engage them, and with entrepreneurs to build more value into their ventures. The tools, approaches, and lessons are well received and found to be effective. 
 Bruce Gjovig, University of North Dakota

I met Gerald through the Chicago Association of Direct Marketing, and had the opportunity to hear him speak at a meeting. Then I attended a workshop in his THINKubator space. His idea generation methods push the envelope on one's approach to thinking through a marketing challenge and developing solutions.   
 Susan Kryl

I have had very positive experiences in working with Gerald Haman and SOLUTIONSeople. Gerald brings a wealth of knowledge and training to each of the sessions that I have attended. He makes it fun to learn! There is a definite method to his "madness". He makes you think in ways that are more creative than any other sales trainer or thought trainer in the business. SOLUTIONSeople is well worth your investment!
 Phil Burnstine

If you ever find yourself in search of a valuable idea, just call Solutionman.
 Dave Skwarczek

If you need bright ideas, Gerald's your Solutionman.  
 Tim Sullivan

Gerald is not just a leader in creativity and innovation but a really great guy. When I was a kid just starting out my undergraduate studies until even now, he's been a resource -- always bringing positive and resources to our relationship without asking for anything in return.  
 Clinton Schaff, The Los Angeles Times

I've had the pleasure to know Gerald personally and work with him professionally for many years. Gerald has devoted his life to helping develop the creative potential of others and in this area, I consider him a pioneer, but what differentiates Gerald from others in this area is his ability to operationalize these creative ideas into true innovations, many of which touch our lives every day. How many people can you say that about? From the KnowBrainer tool to the Accelerating Innovation workshops to the experiential events he facilitates, Gerald has demonstrated how through the power of questions, we can discover the solutions to many of our professional and personal challenges and I recommend you get to know him. 
 John Nawn, Meeting Design Expert

There's no one better than Gerald at eliciting engagement, understanding, and innovation from professionals who need to meet challenges, solve problems, or create new opportunities. I've worked with Gerald to help people from a variety of industries -- retail, CPGs, healthcare -- identify exactly what their key issues are and then uncover creative, actionable ideas for achieving their goals. His enthusiasm is infectious, his knowledge and brainstorming methodologies are impressive, and the one-of-a-kind THINKubator space he has created is amazing. Most important, he helps organizations move forward and get the results they need.  
 Diane Landsman

Gerald Haman lives and breathes his expertise in helping individuals and companies become more innovative and successful. I have worked with Gerald for almost 20 years. He is a world class leader helping individuals and companies investigate, create, evaluate and activate real innovation. If you or your company needs innovation, call Gerald!  
 Kevin Murnane, Northwestern University

I attended a pre-conference session that Gerald facilitated at the Leadership Conference for ASTD. Gerald's session was great and his "KnowBrainer" tool can be used in all aspects of life. I really enjoyed the part where we identified our behavior pattern and could see how many people in the room belonged to the four behavior patterns. The session was very interactive and really made me think! Gerald is such a down-to-earth person and the kind of facilitator that networks very well with his participants during and after his session. Conference presenters can often be condescending or "uppity" but Gerald is very involved and very easy to talk to.    
 Leah Tate

I recently completed the workshop with Gerald Haman. To be honest I dreaded going and thought it might be two days of a painfully boring waste of time and money. I thought it would mainly benefit the big corporations even though I own a small business. I made the commitment to go so I didn’t cancel or reschedule. It was hard work, fun, and a very valuable experience. The tools and training were amazing. Everything Gerald did was for a reason I can’t put a price tag on how valuable this experience was and will be not only in my business world but my personal life as well. 
 Harold Lebovic, Entrepreneur

If you are looking to better yourself, your organization or the world around you with breakthrough, innovative ideas and strategies -- you must meet Gerald Haman. Gerald is not only renowned in the field of innovation, but also is a world-wide leader in motivating others in plumbing and developing their own depths of creativity and innovative thinking. From his training, to his brainstorming tools to his work environment -- it is all one-of-a-kind and incredibly resonating and valuable.  
 David Perlmutter, Marketing Expert

I've had the pleasure and benefit of experiencing innovation sessions led by Gerald and his team at The THINKubator. I've participated (and led) brainstorming sessions for a more than 20 years, yet the knowledge and value I've gained from Gerald's unique combination of humble expertise, action-oriented tools and a personality that inspires people to give their best to a project have made me a better consultant, nay, a better person.  
 Jed Weiner

Gerald helped me a great deal with a personal breakthrough and exceeded my expectations at the two-day Accelerating Innovation Workshop.  What makes Gerald great at the work he does is that he makes himself very accessible and has a great approach and demeanor. His innovation training was really first-rate, and has helped to re-ignite my thinking about some of the adversity that comes with complex marketing problems; I also plan to use the KnowBrainer tool with all future engagements, I think it's going to be indispensable. The THINKubator also turned out to be a great environment that offered lots of fun and surprises.     
 Michael Burns

Simply the most innovative and creative individual I have ever had the pleasure of working with. Gerald is inspirational on so many levels and has shaped my professional career in more ways than I ever expected!
 Lauren Pelissier

Gerald worked with our company to educate new product development teams on innovation, techniques and exercises to ideate, ways to screen and evaluate ideas and eventually to develop our own Ideation Lab. Gerald is personal, results driven and very easy to work with. His methods are approachable and his enthusiasm contagious.    
 Ellen McLaughlin

Gerald is the most knowledgeable individual I know in the field of problem solving. Working with him at the THINKubator is always stimulating and a real education. He attracts very bright people and his network is world class. His tools like the "KnowBrainer" and his facilitation techniques like building a "question bank" are truly effective, achieving immediate results. I would certainly recommend him to anyone seeking brainstorming methodology.
 Tom Aitken

Gerald Haman can guide generation of anything new and profitable. He has stuck to improving his products and services for the 20 years I have known him. We have created together and worked together on many projects. Mr. Haman has an exemplary product. He offers clear and actionable training (with follow-up) to help professionals incorporate his tools in their thinking and in their implementation.   
 Chavah Golden

When it comes to innovation processes and solutions, Gerald Haman is truly ahead of his time. I have worked with and for Gerald for many years, and he continues to amaze me with his appetite for helping people and organizations "Think Outside of the Box" and develop whole- brained ideas that can actually be implemented. The training, innovation processes, and tools that he has invented and continues to improve, can be easily applied by people from all walks of life.   
 Danny Coulbourn, CapTech Ventures

Gerald's process for generating creative ideas and making use of those ideas (innovation) is remarkably unique. His expertise informs every client -- there are ways of using your company's brain trust -- four types of Accelerating innovation that turn every member of the organization into a creative/innovative contributor. His art is bringing people together.  
 Martin Baker

Your ASTD conference session and "extra-curricular" inspired the innovator in me and my colleagues. 
 Kimberly Seeger

I recommend Gerald; he does a super job conducting his innovation classes. The training at the THINKubator was fun and invigorating. The two days flew by but at the end you knew you had a good handle on the tools and methods for the innovation process. I found the KnowBrainer is a useful tool to organize thinking around the four key stages of the innovation process. It also provides a series of questions which can help focus your thinking on the issue at hand. And to stimulate your mind it provides a list of nouns and verbs to jumpstart your ideas. I can recommend Gerald's training for anyone struggling to put structure around their innovation initiatives.   
 Bill Burnett

I have had the pleasure to work with Gerald on numerous occasions and have always been impressed with his passion, creativity, dedication to creating an excellent client experience and most importantly actionable results! As a high-tech strategy consultant, I am faced with solving challenging problems on a daily basis. I find myself relying on many of the techniques I learned from Gerald every day. I would describe Gerald with a single word: magic! 
 Chris Sorensen, Tech Investor

WOW! For two days I was "in the moment" while Gerald facilitated his Accelerating Innovation & Creativity Training Workshop. His well thought out KnowBrainer tool will help incredibly as I continue to develop and then activate my ideas! The Webinar five days prior to the training and the pre-work enabled me to be well-prepared for the two days. I absolutely loved all of the gadgets, games, creative seating, fun, and yes, the Albert Einstein bathroom! The THINKubator is tops and certainly helped me while I was ‘thinking’. I recognize my own CREATIVITY and NOW have a tool to move my ideas into reality! The KnowBrainer is on my list for birthday and Christmas presents.  
 Terri Williams

I'm amazed with the concept created by Gerald Haman to spread and enhance innovation training. The whole experience we had at his THINKubator in Chicago opened new paths in our quest for new tools as well as new business opportunities in this field. Besides, Gerald is a highly effective trainer, his knowledge and experience on innovation is truly outstanding. I'm looking forward to continue learning from him.  
 Alberto Peniche, Secretaria del Trabajo, Mexico

Gerald has a great system for Brainstorming. He has developed a series of useful tools like the KnowBrainer to help stimulate more ideas. His workshop at the THINKubator is very worthwhile. I highly recommend his services.   
 Tony Rogers

I am a scientist at Argonne Lab. I have been particularly impressed with Gerald ability to analyze and decode the innovation process at individual and organization level. The time spent at the THINKubator was highly valuable.   
 Paolo Messina

It is with pleasure that I recommend Gerald Haman, aka Solutionman! His consistency and passion for people finding their best is rare in our sometimes tired old world. His fresh approaches to guiding people to create, innovate, know, and brainstorm is uniquely his. Make the investment in yourself and your team to learn how to "Innovate to Create" with Gerald and the SOLUTIONSeople!   
 Dawn Mahoney

Creativity is both an art and a science - and Gerald "Solutionman" Haman is a genius in both respects. The THINKubator is an experience not to be missed by any executive with responsibility for vision and strategy.  
 Mary Spada

Gerald Haman is passionate about helping his clients with product, service, and experience innovation. Becoming certified in the models and frameworks of the classic business book, The Experience Economy, enables Gerald to join me and over 70 others around the world as an emerging community of practice. Gerald is a master at staging experiences in his "one of a kind" innovation studio in Chicago, the THINKubator. It ensures an entertaining and educational experience while immersing participants in a unique esthetic and escapist environment!   
 Bob Dean, Experience Economy Expert